Voter & Constituent Files

Missing Phone Numbers

ILS works with impromptu call banks for small local elections and telephone centers for national elections. Find missing telephone numbers for registered voters, constituents, past contributors, or a membership list that’s missing phone numbers. Send us your list of names and addresses and we’ll match the telephone numbers with incredible accuracy within 3 hours during regular business hours. Emergency services are available for qualified political organizations.

Only verified telephone numbers appended. USA nationwide match rate average of 45%. Learn More

Email Appending

Find email addresses for an individual or household. All email addresses are permission based and guaranteed deliverable. Recommended for files containing 50,000 records or more.

There is a $750 minimum file fee for email appending and $0.15 per email after the first 1,700 emails are delivered.

Files should contain at least 30,000 records for email append. Email appending has a low deliverable match rate, usually 5%-20% of the total file. A file with 30,000 records with a 5% match rate would give you 1,500 deliverable email addresses.

The turnaround time for email appending is 5-7 business days. The file is matched quickly enough, but Federal CAN-SPAM laws require a permission message be sent to every appended email allowing the recipient to opt-out of future communications from you. An example of a permission message is:

Dear NAME,

We received your contact information at the (insert where/how/event/conference here) and wanted to follow up with you to discuss how we can value to your organization.

Of course privacy is important to us; therefore we will not sell, rent, or give your name or address to anyone. If you choose not to receive future communication from COMPANY NAME, please click on the link below.


Company Name
123 Main St
Anytown, AZ 12345

The message must include your company’s name and mailing address and can include a company’s logo.

After the 7 business days the list of people who accepted future communications from you are delivered to you. You will be able to email them as many times as you want and their yours forever. There is no limitation on usage or ownership. Send a File now

Organize Addresses with Indicators

Organize your local canvassing events by the finding the county name, congressional district, or latitude and longitude for each address in your list. Send a File now